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The most frequent image is that of a landscape graced by the clever man that is in harmony with the natural environment. The rural urbanization coexists with overflowing urban centers of historical memories and wonderful works of art, all set in an agricultural landscape, often highly specialized. Our thoughts turn naturally to the rolling hills covered with olive groves and vineyards, the Valdichiana, recovered again by the great works of restoration of the grand duchies.

In this area of ​​south eastern Tuscany, they are mixed forests of pines, oaks and chestnut trees. A heterogeneous territory, low population density, remained almost isolated from the influences of the surrounding areas. Over time it has developed its own rural characteristic, today much appreciated by tourists passing through, like from what, wanting a place to rest, choose this municipality and the neighboring ones as the final destination.

And it is known for its red wines, the most famous of which is the Vino Nobile.

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